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All The Love: Kel Al - Hab

Douglas B Schaper

Availability: In Stock



"All the Love" explores Our Passions and Our Loves and their impacts on the World

We have made for Ourselves and Our future and the challenges We have created for

Ourselves in process.. Love builds. Passions feed appetites. Which makes for the Better

World We All wish for. What do We do and how can We do Better is examined. All We do

is in Our hands and for Us to choose. Let's All of Us make Better Choices by nourishing

Love and Better controlling Our Passions. It is the business of government to provide

an environment that nourishes, nurtures and encourages Love to Blossom, not feed

Passions. Check out the reinterpretation of Adam and Eve. Which interpretation makes

more sense ? The Mirror Test...This, and everything else We do, is up to You dear Reader!!!

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