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Make it Happen! Discover the SECRETS to Success in Sales

Harold Antor

Availability: In Stock



What makes the difference between the average salesperson and the really great, outstanding, moneymaking, high-living salesperson? And more importantly, how do I become one? Sometimes we get the impression that these are just for gifted people. Maybe, but in this book, I pull the curtain back and share the secrets so you can become one of them.

There are many people in sales in different industries around the world, but only a precious few of them have discovered and are applying the secrets that are must-haves to achieve success in sales. These few are praised and rewarded handsomely. They live well. They enjoy life and enjoy their careers. I have identified five secrets that, if implemented, would almost guarantee success in sales. In this book, I unpack these secrets, and we do a deep step-by-step dive into each one to help any person currently in sales or interested in getting into sales. The secrets are motivation, mental armor, sales strategies, sales skills, and product knowledge. We take each secret and develop it in a way that makes it easy to understand and apply. Further, I have incorporated many of my personal experiences in the book to give real-life examples of how I applied the points and ideas I share. Whether new or experienced, those who wish to become one of the precious few will understand and know how to apply the secrets to achieve their own success.

If you are in sales or thinking about getting into a sales career, this book can set you on a path to fulfill your dreams of a great life. You can make the money you want. You can buy that beautiful house, drive that car or cars you always wanted, send your kids to great schools, and enjoy dream vacations. It is all possible, and the how is all in here. Here's to your success.

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